Reformed parish of Guebwiller
Cultes en février 2025
Chaque dimanche à 10h15 au temple de Guebwiller
2 février culte présidé par Frédéric Hautval, Sainte Cène
9 février culte de famille avec les catéchumènes suivi du verre de l'amitié.
16 février
23 février
"To be a Christian is not to speak of Christ but to live like him"
Ulrich Zwingli
Pastor: Roland Kauffmann
03 89 76 91 57 / 06 87 50 76 24
For the rental of rooms
Protestant Home clickhere
Worship every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
except Sunday January 29, ecumenical celebration.
How to give?
Bank card :
Connect to the website of the Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine follow the instructions, secure payment.
Bank transfer:
IBAN: FR76 1027 8033 0000 0633 0994 580 - BIC: CMCIFR2A
Do not forget to indicate your name and address in the transfer to obtain your tax receipt
Worship Euros:
Please speak to a member of the presbyteral council during a service.
Bank check :
Made out to the order of the reformed parish of Guebwiller.
We inform you that the tax deduction of 75% on the first 554 euros given is maintained in 2022. Beyond that, the amounts are deductible up to 66%.

Through your donations, you help us to be at the service of the Gospel, of our fellow citizens and of our area of life.