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On this page you will find the archives of activities and meetings. 

Meeting of friends

Activités de l'Avent 2023


The church today, rather than the church tomorrow. By their luminous faith, by their living praise, by their questions, the children are fully part of the community of faith.

We are committed to sharing their gifts, and leading them towards a better knowledge of biblical resources, and towards a growth in their faith.

    For this, we offer a meeting once a month, on Saturday afternoon. Biblical approach, animation, song, snack: while playing, children from 6 to 12 years old are made aware of faith in Jesus Christ, in a freedom of speech and tone.

    Parents who wish to do so can help us, occasionally or regularly. -136bad5cf58d_ 


Tuesday 21 2020, at 7.30 p.m., at the Foyer Protestant in Guebwiller.



We talk a lot about depression in our western society. The word has become commonplace and too often designates passing states. Depression is a real illness, one in five French people en  suffers or will suffer from it.

The conference will address the following questions:

  • What is depression?

  • What is the influence, the role of faith, of religion? Is faith a negative factor that causes or adds to depressive illness or rather a positive factor that protects against it?

Here you can find thepresentation 

Le Dimanche 21 Janvier 2024, dans le cadre de la Semaine de Prière pour l'Unité des Chrétiens, nous avons accueilli pour un culte exceptionnel la Communauté de Paroisses Catholiques Saint-André Bauer au temple de Guebwiller pour un culte commun suivi d'un verre de l'amitié.

En-chantons Noël" par l'ensemble vocal Continuo, le 15/12

Pialat et Théozed 21/12 au temple

Quand on chante ensemble au temple de Guebwiller, le 23/12

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