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Who are we ?

Our Church 

The Protestant parish of Guebwiller is a member of the Reformed Protestant Church of Alsace and Lorraine (EPRAL), and of the Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine (UEPAL).


The essential principles of Protestantism can be summed up in six convictions that our parish, in fidelity to Christ, is led to embody and proclaim in the language of our time:



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Le pasteur

The council 

The presbyteral council of the parish collectively assumes its spiritual and material life. To be a presbyteral counselor is a ministry entrusted by the Church.

Without being role models, counselors are Christians whose way of life counts in the witness that the Church bears to God, and offers to see and hear.


Our council is currently composed of 6 leaders elected by the members of the parish. Each counselor has a particular responsibility in the life of the church. The pastor is one of them.



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Temple réformé Guebwiller

Located at the foot of the Grand Ballon, Guebwiller, a Catholic wine-growing town, was owned by Murbach Abbey from 774 to the French Revolution.

  The conditions for the introduction of Protestantism were only favorable with the arrival of a Swiss population of specialized workers working in the emerging textile industries.

  In 1804, Jacques de Bary-Merian from Basel bought the castle from the prince-abbot, which had become “national property” and, accompanied by 200 workers, he set up a ribbon factory.

The arrival of other textile industries, among them a cotton mill created by Nicolas Schlumberger from Mulhouse, increased the population from 2,770 inhabitants in 1800 to 7,250 in 1841. In 1809, there were already 700 Protestants. During the centenary of the parish in 1905, they will be 1,700.

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