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Deepening of faith

Black Friday, buying fever

From my computer screen, it doesn't look like much. Pop-up ads are there, all year round. They just tell me a little louder: "Buy". They add: " Buy QUICKLY!". And I have this unpleasant impression that a strange fatality imposes on me a feeling of urgency, which will only last 24 hours.......

At Easter, reborn

We usually think of Christmas as a birthday party. This is the etymological meaning of this name, derived from the Latin Dies Natalis, day of birth, which for Christians has become the feast of the incarnation. However, at another end of the calendar, and in another key, the feast of Easter also offers Christians the prospect of a birth, or rather a rebirth, by celebrating the passage of Christ from death to life. .....

God, temptation and us?

  On November 18, the assembly of the Union recommended that the parishes of UEPAL use the new formulation for the sixth request of the Our Father. We will no longer say: "Do not subject us", but: "Let us not enter into temptation".

You know that summer is near

At the end of chapter 13 of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus presents his disciples with a picture of the end of the world. The apocalypse catastrophe or Good News? Unless it is something else: the invitation to live from now on the closeness with the Son of man.

The sun will darken and the moon will lose its brightness. The stars will fall from heaven, and the heavenly powers will be shaken. These are the signs which, according to Jesus, will precede his return. The climate going haywire, the pollution hiding the firmament? Does the ecological crisis announce the end of the world?

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