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“I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children” (Isaiah 44:3)

Adolescence is the age of possibilities. The questions are many, and sometimes difficult. The being asks to renew itself, and to blossom. With what benchmarks, with what resources will these young people we know build their lives? By proposing to them that we listen together to the Word of God, to reflect on it, to live it in outings and camps, we want to be a link in this chain of transmission of the Gospel, from generation to generations.



According to the personal path of the young person concerned, the catechism constitutes a deepening, or a discovery of the texts of the Bible and of the faith. It is a course that lasts two years and starts at  12 years minimum. It is guided by adults trained in pedagogy. This course can lead to a request for baptism or confirmation, but this is not systematic.


The youth group is open to anyone who wants to participate in its activities. Spiritual times, outings (Heaven's Door Festival, The Word is in the Meadow), solidarity actions... The range of meetings is wide, but always with the desire to put into practice the convictions of the Protestant faith. Animation for the youngest, in the spirit of scouting, is an integral part of our approach. We wish to contribute to the formation of young people, and open them to a spirit of service.

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