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Go to the source of the Word of God, in a simple and friendly encounter. We read the Bible, in the form of a continuous reading, or a thematic approach.
Thursday evening, once a month, at 7:30 p.m.

Bible in hand


Sewing, embroidery, decoration: the talents of the workshop are numerous. They express themselves, help each other.

Ideas are exchanged, like laughter, advice and experiences.

In the line of sight, the simple fact of learning and sharing what one knows, by putting oneself at the service of the church by the realization of works.

Ancre 4

Next meeting:

After the summer break.

A "potholder making" operation is underway. The ladies of the workroom have been knitting with a lot of  d' ardor,   lately, to soon offer these magnificent _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 potholders made in order to provide financial assistance to our parish in difficulty on this level.

An object that is always useful at home, or a gift idea, which will also help to replenish our finances somewhat.  

Volunteers who know how to knit are invited to strengthen the workroom team. Everyone is welcome!   

For more information contact Danielle Lupp!

Beautiful Autumn

A self-managed and financially independent group within the Reformed Parish of Guebwiller

Elders of the parish who meet in a friendly atmosphere to share and exchange with friends

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To see  more clearly, a bit of history  is needed:

After a long period of dormancy, the Bel Automne  group of the 70s was taken over in 1998 by a few parishioners, young retirees at that time, passionate about contact, communication and rapprochement_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ people.

Very quickly the group grew and counted close to 45 participants, more or less advanced in the age hierarchy, but all with the same enthusiasm.

We met every second Friday of the month in a friendly atmosphere around a flowery table decorated according to the seasons, for a cup of coffee or tea with  des _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pâtisseries  homemade, while singing, trained by a pianist from the group, drawing from a songbook developed and edited internally, very quickly _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_animations of all kinds were regularly featured.

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The horizon only asking to widen, the group met, to the delight of all, for many years, for one-week stays in Adelboden, in the Swiss Alps and_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ at the Liebfrauenberg   in the Outre Forêt to share en  group evenings, walks adapted to our different physical abilities, as well as visits of all kinds.

All in all, during these last 20 years, it has been  not far from 500 days  during which the Bel Automne group has shared, not only its enthusiasm and its joy to live, but   also its sorrows.

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Over the years, many people have disappeared and very few young retirees have joined the ranks.

In the future, the activities that remain within our reach will nevertheless continue to bring us together every month.

So if you feel like it, the Bel Automne Group invites you to come and join it every second Friday of the month in the Bel Automne hall of the Protestant foyer at 2:30 p.m.

To discover the past activities of Bel Automne as well as future projects and the latest information, you can visit our website at

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Next meeting:

After the summer break

Neighborhood Bible Groups

A few church members living in the same geographical area meet once a month to share a biblical reflection and their daily Christian experience.   

This is not a “scholarly” study but to link the Word of God to the experience of the participants. It is a place where the Gospel is incarnated, relying on the translation of the Word in the acts of our “everyday” life.


It is by studying a biblical text together that facets appear that affect us more particularly.


If the Bible is an intellectual content, it is also what must be called a mystery, it carries a word that goes beyond us.

Here, the dispositions of those who open it, their expectations, their prayers come into play, knowing that no automatism regulates the encounter between the Word of God and a person.


In these neighborhood meetings, we move from theory (intellectual, analytical approach, distanced from the Scriptures) to practice, from discourse to experience. But we also and above all learn  :

‚  - to get to know each other.

‚ - to care about each other.

‚ - to develop benevolence between members of the group.


If you are interested join us!

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